Are you an OEM manufacturer or private workshop that is looking for someone to design a world class Supercharger Bullet Hemi Supercharger Kit system? With the move to a brand new state of the art facility, Bullet now has the capacity to design and engineer any type of Supercharger system or automotive parts. With over 60 years of combined experience in the High performance automotive arena, Bullet has the knowledge and ability to design, develop and deliver product from one off designs to mass quantities
Using the latest in computer software, complete components and assemblies can be seen on-screen as solid models prior to manufacturing. This translates to product refinement for both function and cosmetic appeal in the initial stages of design.
With all components accurately measured in-house, Bullet Design can rapidly reverse engineer any product or component. Using the latest 3D Cad software, the solid model created gives an exact representation of the component. This design process also offers the benefit of highlighting areas for design improvement which can lead to product refinement.
Combining mould design experience with the flexibility and power of the software used, Bullet Design can create sand-cast patterns, core boxes for blown-sand cores, carbon fibre moulds, and vacuum-forming tools. A history of dealing directly with foundries offers the distinct advantage of understanding the requirements and processes used, culminating in the production of quality patterns and moulds incorporating a variety of materials from tooling boards to fast-cast resins.